Ultra Swank - Retro Adventures


The Cocktail Nation — Episode #436 • February 19th, 2017

This week on the show we talk about the new film called “Jackie”, which is all about Jackie Kennedy. Swank advice on how to get your morning cup of Joe, plus how do you feel about working at the age of 81? We also have the world of swank gig guide as well as news on a new book from me.


Tiki Torches - Green fire
Fire And Theft - Tainted Love
# Jackie
Metropole Orchestra - OSS 117 Theme
Giancarlo Barigozzi - Airport Rock
Henry Mancini - Peter Gunn Theme
# Floyd Norman: Animator
Ixtahuele - Curibita Train
Codename Carter - Perfect Clarity Perfect Cut
# Swank Advice: Coffee shop
# World of Swank
Hugo Montenegro - Hazy Shade Of Winter
Tom Gaebel - Hey Look Me Over
John Coltrane - One and Four
Franco Altissimi - Lounge Bossa
Nutty - The Impossible Past
# New Licardo Prince book
# Next week's show teaser
Alika Lyman - Pua Lilia

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