Ultra Swank - Retro Adventures


Stylish Mid-Century Hotels & Motels

Why do even the most standard Hotels and Motels look so much better in mid-century America? It would seem that generally they cared much more about the looks and aesthetics, and making the guest feel right at home. They were often themed and the color schemes could have been copied straight from a Eames chair. Large, buzzing, sometimes Googie inspired signs, advertising a plethora of...

Rendezvous in Paris – Two Chic Boutique Hotels

Check into and discover two stylishly chic boutique hotels located in the enchanting French capital of Paris. Whether you prefer clean lines and designer chairs, or refined details and fabrics with a touch of 18th century charm, Le Général and Caron De Beaumarchais offer their visitors a unique diversity that will have any design lover clapping their hands in delight. For those of you who...

The Disneyland Hotel has its own Monorail Train

The Disneyland Hotel in Anahem, California opened its doors in 1955 as a motor-inn type Hotel. Walt Disney wanted to build a hotel for Disneyland visitors to stay overnight. However, Disney’s financial resources were significantly depleted by the construction of the park, so he negotiated a deal with Jack Wrather and his business partner Maria Helen Alvarez under which Wrather-Alvarez Productions would own and operate...

Mad Men and Hilton Prove Hotels Not Just for Sleeping

From the The Pierre in NYC to the Cavalieri Hilton in Rome, hotels frequently serve as backdrop to exciting plot points on the hit series Mad Men. Creative ad man Don Draper and his cohorts use hotels to seduce clients and women and to celebrate their latest conquests. The show often provides a fictional peek at the advertising strategies and campaigns of real-life brands and...

The Disneyland Hotel in Yesteryear Anaheim

I am strangely fascinated by the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, California. Built in 1955 along with the park it was actually not operated by the Walt Disney Company until 1988 due to the building of the park had tapped Walt Disney for most of his financial resources. The Hotel has obviously been rebuilt, added to and updated over the decades but it still features the...

Arne Jacobsen – The forefather of Danish Modernism

This is the third post in my series about my favorite architects from the golden days of architecture. We are going back to Scandinavian design again, allow me to introduce Arne Jacobsen, one of the forefathers of Danish Modernism and Functionalism. Born in Copenhagen 1902, educated at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture in Copenhagen and professor at the Academy between...

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