Ultra Swank - Retro Adventures


American Postcards gone Wrong
Written by Christopher in Travel

American Postcards gone Wrong

Here are a bunch of fine examples of creepy or plain just wrong postcards you probably won’t be sending to your friends and family… or then again, maybe you might? If you want to see more fun-tastic, creepy, dodgy and simply plain weird examples, head over to Bad Postcards where you will have a whole collection of things gone horribly wrong in every way....

How to Become a Stewardess in the 1950s

It was most likely much tougher than it seemed – with charm and grace training, evacuation exercises, disgruntled passengers and endless hair and makeup sessions. Guess all the excitement and grandeur is a thing of the past. Does anyone even consider becoming a flight attendant today? Photos taken from the wonderful Life archive at Google....

Cocktail Hour – With Julius Shulman

This photo by famed photographer Julius Shulman looks absolutely lovely. I wish I had a cocktail lounge like that in my penthouse apartment. The Mid-Century Modernist has a bunch of more photos and information....

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