Ultra Swank - Retro Adventures



Seattle’s CityStream goes back to the future in preparation for the 50th anniversary of the Seattle World`s Fair. Century 21 was the 1962 Fair’s theme and now that we’ve arrived, it’s time to look towards what the next fifty years will bring....

Hop On The Monorail to Century 21
Written by Christopher in Event

Hop On The Monorail to Century 21

I wish there were more expositions like the one held in Seattle in 1962. Going under the name Century 21, it showcased the best, brightest and most future minded technology available at the time – including pagers, exciting cars that looked like they could fly, various satellites and the NASA Mercury project to name a few. The grounds of the fair were divided into different...

Return to Century 21
Written by Christopher in Event

Return to Century 21

Today we are returning to the World’s fair held in Seattle in 1962. Going under the title Century 21, this is one of my favorite expositions next to the one that was held in New York two years later. Here are a couple of photos from it to better illustrate my point....

1964 New York World’s Fair
Written by Christopher in Event

1964 New York World’s Fair

I have two favorite World’s Fair expositions. The first one being the 1962 held in Seattle, also known as Century 21, the second one is the fair that was held in Queens, New York in 1964. It was the largest World’s Fair ever hosted, and the theme for it was “Peace Through Understanding”. This was represented through a huge model of the Earth called the...

Ride the Monorail
Written by Christopher in Event

Ride the Monorail

The Seattle World’s Fair back in 1962 with its theme “Century 21” has to be the coolest World’s Fair ever. Going from downtown Seattle, you board the Alweg monorail, speeding along high above the streets to reach the exposition area. The fair was home of the Space Needle, one of the most famous Googie architecture landmarks in America, it still stands there today if you...

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