More space age fashion from Germany with beautiful models moving in slow motion and the dreamy moog music of Jean Jacques Perrey. Anyone know from which arena this was filmed?...
More space age fashion from Germany with beautiful models moving in slow motion and the dreamy moog music of Jean Jacques Perrey. Anyone know from which arena this was filmed?...
The classic ‘Think Pink’ song and dance number from the 1957 movie Funny Face starring Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire. Love how clean and stylized the environment and colors are. This truly represents the height of the mid century modern look and feel – clean and simple. Legendary Kay Thompson sets the style and mood....
Imagine the following. Late 1960s, gorgeous models moving in slow motion, cutting edge fashion around various locations in what looks like a racetrack outside Paris. Everything accompanied to a groovy beat with phaser effects and flowing arpeggios. The song is “Indicatif Spatial” by Jean-Jacques Perrey. Bonus: Sounds Galactic - An Astromusical Odyssey by John Keating from 1971...
The classic intro from the movie The Italian Job (1969) starring Sir Michael Caine and Noel Coward. The character is cruising a Lamborghini Miura through the Italian alps down to the city of Turino while Matt Monro is singing On Days Like These. So dreamy. So perfect. Wishing I was there right now. Check out this website for a complete list of all the filming...