Ultra Swank - Retro Adventures

Design • advertising • interior • architecture

Unique Retro Flavored James Bond Cover Prints

Here’s something for the bachelor (or bachelorette) pad that has everything. Michael Gillette is the creative genius behind these unique covers of Penguin’s Ian Fleming James Bond novels that have instantly became iconic classics with every retro lover. Much requested, they are now available as limited edition, signed and numbered prints in conjunction with Ian Fleming Publications Ltd. Printed to the highest standards by the...

Retro Christmas Cards
Written by Christopher in Design

Retro Christmas Cards

From Retro Christmas Card Company, comes a handful of original, well designed retro Holiday Cards that trend with the popularity of 1950s and 1960s themes as seen in the television shows “Mad Men“, “Pan Am” and 2011 film “The Help“. Featuring fun, nostalgic images of 1950’s and ’60’s Retro American Christmas. Set up the aluminum tree, plug in the color wheel, and put Bing on...

The Stylish Art of Kevin Dart
Written by Guest Writer in Design

The Stylish Art of Kevin Dart

Stylish, bouncy, curvaceous, deadly – And she wants her panties back from old men who carry them in briefcases! “Yuki7 and the Gadget Girls” are the Mangaesque brainchildren of L.A. artist Kevin Dart. As books and animation Kevin and 14 other illustrators take you into a “fixties” style milieu of jazzy action and toned down colors to underscore a mood of light hearted murder and...

Pan Am Boeing 747 Cabin Recreated in Garage

Anthony Toth’s home in California holds a hidden treasure unknown to most of the world. From the outside, his garage looks like any garage – but step inside and you are transported back in time to a first class Pan Am Boeing 747 cabin, circa 1979. Anthony, who works as a global sales director for United Airlines has had a lifetime dream of creating his...

Mad Men’s Bacardi fueled Fantasies

While the rest of the Sterling Cooper staff attends a Kentucky Derby party thrown by Roger Sterling and new wife Jane, Peggy and the other writers are stuck in the office to brainstorm ideas for the Bacardi campaign. Bacardi is looking for five vacation situations for their overall concept “Daiquiri Beach.” Peggy and the boys sip on Bacardi for inspiration but find none. Copywriter Paul...

Are we ready for The Jetsons yet?

What better epitomizes the visionary futuristic-utopia of the 20th century than the Jetsons? Created in 1962 the prime-time animated sitcom took place in 2062… looking 100 years into the future. Besides the futuristic gadgets and gizmos-surely ahead of their time-the architectural influence is clearly that of Googie design. Including “upswept roofs, curvaceous, geometric shapes, and bold use of glass, steel and neon, Googie was also...

Charles Schridde’s Vision of the Future

Charles Schridde’s illustrations from the early 1960s for Motorola is a great example of the future that never was. The ads were often featured in Life Magazine and depicted a lush, comfy and elegant future, conveniently centered around various Motorola products. I for one, wouldn’t mind living in a pad like the ones Mr. Schridde envisioned. I guess the closest thing would be Disney’s House...

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