Christmas is around the corner and to celebrate this magical holiday we are featuring a few samples of holiday related advertisements and imagery from 1946 and 1964, courtesy of Roger Wilkerson’s collection. To me, the hand drawn illustrations and images in mid-century advertisements are the epitome of style and warmth. They really show-off how talented advertising America were some 50-60 years ago. That fine attention to design and pseudo-realism really grabs...
Photographer Brittany McLaren sends us “South for Winter” with this Mad Men’esque inspired 1960s styled photo shoot. I love the melancholy and somewhat cold feeling this set gives me, not reminiscent of Mad Man Don Draper’s relationship with his ex-wife Betty. Or maybe it’s just that semi-sad 1960s nostalgia that’s shining through. Either way, I love the photos. What do you think?...
There is something about a sports car that just reeks of sex. Let’s face it, even if we see a balding middle aged man cruising the highway we automatically know several things about him. Firstly he’s got money, secondly he probably gets a lot of action and thirdly – there is a chance he could be a complete tosser. Now I don’t automatically assume the...
Every now and then in life you get a glimpse of what people really think of you when they slip up and make an assumption. Recently I was at a BBQ and a relative mentioned a fifties Cadillac that she spotted on a recent road trip. She then made a comment that people who drive those types of cars clearly enjoy being looked at. Now...
The Accidental Sea is a 6-minute short film filmed and narrated by Ransom Riggs that briefly discusses the history of the Salton Sea area in California and also depicts the desolation of it since the area’s abandonment over the decades. ...
It’s the weekend and summer vacations are around the corner so why not plan a summer getaway to Spain? Here’s a video that will surely inspire you to hop on that jet plane and head for the warm Mediterranean. Our background songs for this trip are “Why not be happy” and “Anytime you”, both composed by Augusto Jr. Algueró and performed by the wonderful Catalan...
The magazine rack at the local drugstore. Memories from my childhood in the late 50’s and early 60’s. Illustrated covers on the lower shelves. Screaming titles in bold, bawdy, blazing headlines. MALE… MAN’S LIFE… SAGA!!! Were these a kind of grown-up comic book? But this was much better! Silly, costumed caricatures talking in word balloons was little kid stuff. This was about real life. These...