Our re-runs of an Ultra Swank world are interrupted by a shrill tone from the television. ‘Howdy Dooty’ and Mom’s favorite soap opera are suddenly replaced by a Civil Defense symbol and gravely intoned warnings of the END OF THE WORLD! High above the utopian suburbs of plenty, an ever present overcast of death and despair loomed. The Cold War was a monstrous chess game...
Here is another masterfully and stylishly edited video by YouTube user Solsoulvideo. This time we are taking a mile high mondo (very bizarre) trip around the world, set to the best lounge and bossa music on the planet. From Italy to Greece, England to France and the US to Spain and back again, we experience different cultures in a fast and thrilling documentary-style. What do...
The weekend is around the corner and what could be a better start to it than some evening seduction? Paul Dupont and his Orchestra takes us on a steamy and sensual journey through what looks like clips from a kitschy 1960s Franco-Italian movie. For more lounge videos check out Soft Tempo Lounge on Youtube. What do you daydream about today? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYYnXY24JL4...
Seattle’s CityStream goes back to the future in preparation for the 50th anniversary of the Seattle World`s Fair. Century 21 was the 1962 Fair’s theme and now that we’ve arrived, it’s time to look towards what the next fifty years will bring....
In 1964 when Sharon Bernstein Peyton was 18 years old she worked as a Showroom Bunny at the brand new Baltimore Playboy Club. Join Ultra Swank as we continue our journey into a more stylish, sexy and sophisticated world as we venture behind the curtain with her to mingle with go getters and high rollers. Working as a Bunny must have made you mature faster...
In the summer of 1964 when Sharon Bernstein Peyton was 18 years old, she saw an ad for the new Baltimore Playboy Club opening. This stylish, sexy and glamorous world was quite different from the life she had been living. Nevertheless, she applied for a job and before she knew it, she was working among the high rollers and go getters as a Playboy Bunny....
YouTube user Solsoulvideo produces home grown edits of classical European 1960s and 70s cinema set to groovy, sensual and swingin’ music. Shot around Paris, Costa Brava and Barcelona, “Le Flirt” is a 12 minute love story affair in the Mediterranean with music by legendary Stelvio Cipriani, Piero Piccioni and Bruno Nicolai among others. It is based on a 1971 franco-spanish production starring Lynn Endersson and...