Keeping Up With The Future
With all the running around preparing for the holidays and shopping for that perfect gift, I always find myself exhausted by New Year’s and once again… no new calendar! Usually by the time I get around to getting one I’ve missed at least January. But not this year! I’ve found some gorgeous mid-century modern calendars – some even free! The best one (I think) is the beautiful letterpress calendar produced by Pistachio Press.
It is printed on 100% tree-free cotton paper using environmentally conscious studio practices. Each page is printed by hand on an antique Vandercook No. 4 letterpress. This is the kind of calendar that you want to frame the images when the year is over.
Another fabulous calendar is from Blue Ant Studio. This one is a free downloadable calendar showcasing modern furnishings such as chairs, lamps, and lots of other modern goodness.
For $5.00 you can download the 2011 Mid-Century Chairs Calendar by Blue Tricycle. These print 2-up on letter size paper (US). Each month features a knocked-out silhouette of a modern chair. ETSY is offering a $15.00 mid-mod calendar produced by PSPapergoods with each month featuring its own classic piece of mid-century modern furniture along with a clean, modern pattern.
With so much beautiful simplicity, pattern, and modernism… and so many choices, I might have to get one of each plus a few for my friends!