A Tour of the Sterling Cooper & Partners Office

The storefront system essentially replicates the Time & Life Building’s — Photography by Eric Laignel
Ever wondered what it would be like to work at Sterling Cooper & Partners along Don Draper and Peggy Olsen? Are you an admirer of the mid-century furniture, wallpaper and design? Well, look no further. Ultra Swank has jetted off to New York to take a tour of the latest incarnation of the home of Mad Men… and women.
Both the agency’s name, look and location has changed over the years, but the iconic and impeccable mid-century style of it remains. From the color scheme, to the modernist furniture, to the the art, to the ball lights. This is really a dream for any fan of Joseph Eichler and other Mid-Century modern (MCM) architects and designers that era.
The agency was originally known as just Sterling Cooper, founded by Roger Sterling and Bertram Cooper. A change was made in December 1963 when it became clear that power agency McCann Erickson was going to purchase Puttnam, Powell and Lowe which had acquired Sterling Cooper Advertising agency not long before.
In May 1968, it was decided to merge the newly founded Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce (SCDP) and competitor Cutler Gleason and Chaough (CGC) as a means of attracting Chevrolet to a larger agency. CGC moved its personnel to the SCDP office at 1271 Avenue of the Americas, Manhattan, New York City. Later that year, the new firm was officially named Sterling Cooper & Partners (SC&P) and this is what the current revision of their offices look like.
Which is your favorite part or detail of the office?
Above: Paneling in the reception area imitates walnut — Photography by Eric Laignel
Above: A custom Florence Knoll–style sofa and matching chair anchor the account-executive lounge at the agency. — Photography by Eric Laignel
Above: New teak veneer tops the vintage table in the conference room — Photography by Eric Laignel
Above: Joan Harris visiting Don Draper’s office — Photography courtesy of Ron Jaffe/AMC
Above: Secretarial desks are reproductions — Photography by Eric Laignel
Above: Another office — Photography by Eric Laignel
Above: A licensed copy of a Mark Rothko painting hangs in Bert Cooper’s office — Photography by Eric Laignel
Above: A smaller office with a vintage typewriter — Photography by Eric Laignel
Above: Chaough’s office’s ’60’s-esque wallpaper — Photography by Eric Laignel
Above: The phone booth in the elevator lobby — Photography by Eric Laignel
Above: Jim Cutler and Stan Rizzo speed past — Photography courtesy of Jordin Althaus/AMC
Above: Magazines that the ad men use for research — Photography by Eric Laignel
Above: Outside the reception — Photo courtesy of ABC News
Above: Welcome to Sterling Cooper & Partners — Photo courtesy of ABC News
Above: The conference room — Photo courtesy of ABC News
Above: The reception of SC&P — Photo courtesy of ABC News
Above: Another angle of Peggy Olson’s office
Above: Peggy Olson’s office, senior copywriter — Photo courtesy of ABC News
Above: The kitchen, where many cups of coffee are made — Photo courtesy of ABC News
Above: Vintage candy machine — Photo courtesy of ABC News
Above: Sterling Cooper & Partners press release — By Peggy Olson
Above: The SCP floorplan as of season 4. The second floor was added the following season. — Courtesy of Cerpin Taxt