None of These Cars is Real
It sure looks real doesn’t it? It could very well be photos from a 1950s advertisement trying to promote the latest model of a car or pristine time capsule that were just discovered. But none of what you see is actually real.
Michael Paul Smith from New England, USA is a model car enthusiast and photographer and creator of these fun and highly detailed photos of scenes from the past. Using a forced perspective technique, he tricks our eyes believing that the small model cars and objects are a part of the background scenery, which creates a flawless transition that blends seamlessly.
Michael explains that his model making skills are an accumulation of numerous jobs he has had over the years. Everything from text book illustrator, wallpaper hanger and house painter, designer of museum displays, architectural model maker, and art director for retail stores.
I am very impressed and Michael definitely had me fooled there for a while.
Above: None of These Cars is Real
Above: None of These Cars is Real
Above: None of These Cars is Real
Above: None of These Cars is Real
Above: None of These Cars is Real
Above: None of These Cars is Real