Ultra Swank - Retro Adventures

American Women & The Boomer Household

Written by Christopher • August 17th, 2009

Cute, kitschy and a bit sexist in a innocent mid-century way, this 25 minute long film tributes the American woman in the American family household. Through the course of it we get to experience her wifely responsibilities, such as planning the family budget, finding time to be social and shopping for daily necessities.

Pay attention to the lovely and cheerful muzak-styled songs that are played in the background. I am also very sure that this is the same narrator that was heard in a handful of other similar films in the 1950s and 1960s. Anyone know who I am referring to?

Update: the narrator is legendary Ken Nordine. Hat tip to commenter PJ for clearing that up.

Thanks Cam


A Swedish expatriate and founder of Ultra Swank. Chris loves showcasing his passion for mid-century design, defunct airlines, Disneyland and modernist architecture. He's also renowned as a connoisseur of easy-listening music from the 60s and 70s.

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