Ultra Swank - Retro Adventures

Haunting Halloween Mood Sounds with Doctor Druid

Written by Christopher • October 29th, 2009
Haunting Halloween Mood Sounds with Doctor Druid

To kick off things for Halloween in a ghoulish way, this old piece of 1973 wax will most likely do the trick (…or treat). Doctor Druid’s Haunted Seance is sure to scare and entertain everyone in the family, especially if used with one speaker hidden in the ceiling for the proper “stereo spirit” effect.

Heck, even I am a bit freaked out by this old time piece which revolves around a haunted seance hosted by our Doctor Druid. The good doctor first plays a couple of mind tricks on the participators around the table and then tries to contact a spirit from beyond the grave, the result? Pure groovyness! Happy Halloween from Ultra Swank.


A Swedish expatriate and founder of Ultra Swank. Chris loves showcasing his passion for mid-century design, defunct airlines, Disneyland and modernist architecture. He's also renowned as a connoisseur of easy-listening music from the 60s and 70s.

Find out more about Christopher

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