Big Eyes
This week a movie you just have to see. A movie set in the sixties that will blow your mind as to how one artist could be exploited so badly in what became a lie of mammoth proportions. I have a story of a more recent hoax and how would you liks a cold-war era house with a bunker and news on the passing of a great comedian.
Calvin Keys - Seems To Be
Julie Lyon - Strollin'
# Big Eyes review and interview with Benny Mack
Jackie Gleason - The More I See You
David Carbonara - Caravan
Tony Bennett - Manhatten
# Ultra Swank: Story on Playboy Mansion Tunnels
Tiki Lounge Crew - Perky Jazzy And Chic
Adam Smalle - Blues To Yous
Arthur Lyman - Sweet And Lovely
# Koop Kooper: Books
Barbara Levy Daniels - Moonglow
Gene Rains - Flamingo
Sergio Mendes - Mas Que Nada
# World of Swank
Bobby Darin - When Day Is Done
Dean Martin - I Can’t Believe You’re In Love With Me
# Next week: Stan Freberg
Larry Gelb - Suddenly It’s Spring