The Prohibition
On the show this week, drinks with our drinks man Justin Christaldi. A story about the Prohibition and how drinking culture has changed in the last thirty years. There’s also swank advice on how to handle the post election talk, plus the passing of Robert Vaughn.
Voodoo Organist - The Chow Chow Cha Cha
Project Pimento - Shot in the Dark
# Justin Christaldi: Prohibition
Lars Lystedt Trio - The Runner
Henry Mancini - Cha Cha Cha For Ghia
Equivel - Nightingale
# Robert Vaughn
Spy Fi - The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
Los Shimmy Shakers - Emperor Norton Stomp
Roland Remington - Martinique
# World of Swank
Stoolen Idols - Sophisticated Savage
Milt Raskin - Blue Eyes
Les Baxter - The Ritual
# Swank advice
Jetset Sweden - Star Trek
Sterophonic Space Sound Unlimited - Space Child
# Next week's show teaser
Ixtahuele - Mareled