Ultra Swank - Retro Adventures

Malmö in the 1960s – Nostalgia from Past Time Sweden

Written by Christopher • August 13th, 2006
Malmö in the 1960s – Nostalgia from Past Time Sweden

I’ve decided to continue posting old postcards from Malmö, Sweden. Here are three more which depicts how the central parts of Malmö looked in the 1960s. Notice how vibrant and happy everything looks and feels.

I lived there myself for almost two years between 2002 and 2004, can’t really say I appreciate the changes the city went through in the 1990s. It feels very different from the city I remember visiting during 1980s when I was a kid.


A Swedish expatriate and founder of Ultra Swank. Chris loves showcasing his passion for mid-century design, defunct airlines, Disneyland and modernist architecture. He's also renowned as a connoisseur of easy-listening music from the 60s and 70s.

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