Ultra Swank - Retro Adventures


Before There Were Video Games There Was the Wonderland Arcade

Nowadays we are used to having games available right in the palm of our hands at any given time. But before we had the smartphone – we ventured to the arcade – were the latest and greatest video games were on display like electromagnetic rainbows. But, what kind of fun was available for kids growing up in the 1950s and 1960s? Enter the Wonderland arcade....

Sweden’s Oldest Amusement Park

Gröna Lund in Stockholm is one of a handful amusement parks in Sweden. It might not be the biggest one, but it is certainly the oldest. Built in 1883, on the seashore overlooking the masses of water that divides Stockholm into something that sometimes is referred to as the Swedish version of Venice. Over exaggerated perhaps, but there is some truth in the claim. I...

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