Ultra Swank - Retro Adventures

mad men

Mad Men Unbuttoned – A Romp Through 1960s America

To say the television series “Mad Men” has been influential would be an understatement. Aside from influencing screen drama towards more meaningful storytelling, the show has also influenced fashion, beauty standards, and revived interest in the mid-20th century and the Atomic Age / Lounge sub-culture of today. “Mad Men’s” approach to history has always been subtle. Its writers don’t “hang a lantern” on historical events...

Mad Men and Pond’s Question Whether a Clean Face Leads to Matrimony

As of 1965, women’s liberation has not yet pervaded mainstream culture. In season four of Mad Men, we get a taste of what’s to come as women become more independent and empowered. Despite the increase in seemingly independent women, including budding feminist, copywriter Peggy Olsen, most of the ladies inhabiting fictional 1960s NYC are marriage-minded and family-oriented. When SCDP (Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce) lands the...

Mad Men and Hilton Prove Hotels Not Just for Sleeping

From the The Pierre in NYC to the Cavalieri Hilton in Rome, hotels frequently serve as backdrop to exciting plot points on the hit series Mad Men. Creative ad man Don Draper and his cohorts use hotels to seduce clients and women and to celebrate their latest conquests. The show often provides a fictional peek at the advertising strategies and campaigns of real-life brands and...


Join Ella Morton from Rocketboom as she takes us on a tour of the 1960s version of New York City portrayed in television series Mad Men. Check out where the Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce office is located, where to buy the perfect hat and the best place to zip Martinis among many other things. (Via) ...

Barbie Loves Mad Men
Written by Christopher in Design

Barbie Loves Mad Men

The first Barbie doll was launched in around the same period as the award winning television show Mad Men depicts. So what could be better than to combine the two and release a special Mad Men collectors series for adults. Here’s a fun chance to act out what adventures could happen with Don Draper, his wife Betty and ginger bombshell Joan Holloway in the same...

Twin Palms for Sale – Frank Sinatra’s Desert Bachelor Pad

Frank Sinatra’s former desert hideaway “Twin Palms” in Palm Springs, California is up for sale. In the late 1940s old blue eyes had just made his first million and he wanted to celebrate in style, so he commissioned architect E. Stewart Williams to design a lush weekend getaway house for throwing parties and lounging by the pool to be ready before New Years eve 1948....

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