Ultra Swank - Retro Adventures


Home Decor of the 1960s
Written by Guest Writer in Interior

Home Decor of the 1960s

When people think of the 1960s, they often picture a vivid series of images. Youth in rebellion. The first walk on the moon. Space age cartoons like The Jetsons. Hippies in tie-dye. Woodstock. Rock and roll — the Beatles, the Rolling Stones. Politics, protests and picketing. If the 1960s are associated with rebellion and the Space Age, they’re also associated with a specific home decor...

Five Common 1970s Decor Elements
Written by Guest Writer in Interior

Five Common 1970s Decor Elements

When it comes home design by decade, the 1970s get a lot of flak. How can you blame the bad-talkers when they remember things like disco balls and hot tubs in bedrooms? This reputation is a shame, though, because the 1970s also brought us a handful of fresh décor elements that feel much more real than ridiculous. In fact, the following five 1970s decor features...

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